Hi, my name is Cora Aitkenhead!
I am a fifth grader at Meadowside Elementary School in Milford and a member of the 2021 Connecticut Kid Governor Cabinet. My platform is on Climate Change and Environmental Issues, which many people talk about in April because of Earth Day on April 22. Earth Day is one of my favorite holidays. I love it because of the activities you get to do to celebrate. I wanted to share five of my favorite activities with you so you can celebrate too-- this month and any month!
1. Plant a Seed or Grow a Plant
Plant a Seed - I like when we used to make seed cups out of old newspapers. You have a wooden mold and you take newspaper and wrap it around the mold to make a cup. Then you put soil and seed in it. People can put the cup on their windowsill, water it, and watch it grow every week.
Grow a Plant - My teacher, Ms. Mezzoni, had a huge Zebrina plant that her friend gave her and she broke off a little piece for everyone in our class. We watered them every week and to see how they grow. Some plants have gotten really big. Mine is starting to grow big and starting to get the vines and stems that hang off. It started light purple and green and now its getting dark purple with green stripes.
2. Get Outside or Visit a Nature Center Near You
Some of my favorite Earth Day memories are going to EarthPlace, a nature learning center in Westport, CT. At their big events, you could see all of the animals they were helping. Inside, I liked to see the Chinchillas. Outside, I liked to visit the Eagles. They also had trails so you could be outside to celebrate Earth Day. Sometimes on the trails, you would see wild bunnies. I really loved the tree themed playground inside where you could learn about snakes and look at bugs and plants through the microscopes they had.
3. Share Your Green Knowledge
When I was little, we lived on a farm and used to celebrate Green Day, a town holiday that my dad helped create for Westport, CT, where we used to live. I remember he used to always wear his farmer overalls, his green hat, and his white shirt. We used to bring some chickens and plants and tell people about our animals and gardens. Another thing we did at our farm to get people inspired about spring is to create a Maypole to get people outside and having fun together. Sharing what you know helps to get other people inspired and excited to help.
4. Celebrate the Earth by Reading
To celebrate Earth Day with my class, I am making a video to share with my school and reading
How to Help the Earth by the Lorax. I chose that book when my brother found it at a store. I though it would be good to share because
The Lorax is my favorite book and has been since I was little. Dr. Seuss is my favorite author and the book has a good message: you should care about the Earth and save what builds the future.
Our class also heard a story about an old man who planted a seed and the King said to him, "Why would it matter that you plant this seed since you will not live to see it grow?" But it did matter because what you build in the environment now could help generations to come. Planting a tree may not always help YOU get oxygen but it will help future generations. This is how you build a better world.
5. Learn More: 22 for the Earth and You
The 22nd of April is Earth Day. Instead of learning about the Earth only ONE day a year, you can learn about a new way to save the Earth every month on the 22nd. If each month you learn a new way to help, by the end of the year you can do many things to help your community and you can educate others on how they can help the Earth, too. If we all work together, it will make more of a difference. Some ideas for celebrating the 22nd of each month are to practice: recycling, composting, reducing water use, reducing pollution and waste, saving electricity, planting a garden, and more.
Together, we can do BIG things!
Thanks for reading!
- Cora Aitkenhead
Kid Governor's Cabinet
Meadowside Elementary School
Milford, CT